Aerobic Work

Aerobic Work (AW) 

When I say AW, I’m referring to cardio. Power walking, jogging, cycling, hiking, rowing, exercise circuits with minimal breaks etc. This is associated with a continuous elevation in heart rate at low to moderate intensities.

It’s common for AW to take the back seat to deadlifts, squats, bench presses and high intensity exercises in a person's training program.

In my opinion, AW should take priority over everything else. It’s the foundation that everything else is built upon. 

Here's WHY:

  1. AW increases the number of mitochondria in our cells. With more mitochondria, our bodies become more efficient at producing energy. 

  2. AW causes the growth of new arteries and veins, leading to more efficient oxygen delivery and waste removal. 

  3. AW performed at the correct intensities increases our bodies rest & digest system (parasympathetic tone) . Together these adaptations improve our work capacity & recovery during and between workouts and which may lead to greater strength and muscle gains overtime.

  4. AW positively influences markers of health. Think blood glucose, blood pressure, heart morphology & more! For those of us pushing training, food and performance enhancing drugs, this can have a positive impact on longevity. 

Where to start:

 Aim to achieve a minimum of 150 minutes of AW per week in bouts lasting between 10 and 40 minutes in duration. Lastly, the modality that you pick isn’t all that important. Start by picking something that you semi enjoy! For me that’s outdoor walking :) 

Let me know if you have any questions! 


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Know Your Tools - Alpha GPC