My Biggest Training Mistake #4

4️⃣ Restoration is vital 

Training everyday can be fun and exciting for some, but it’s not something that most bodies can tolerate for long periods of time. You’ll quickly accumulate fatigue and results will plateau, stall or even begin to decrease.

In my earlier days, this was definitely me. I thought that in order to maximize progress, I had to be doing something every single day. Now I make some of my best progress with 4 training sessions per week. 

Lifting everyday may hit your dopamine button but it’ll come at the cost of becoming burned out, injured or making very little progress. That being said, you need to take days off  that are restorative in nature.

This means chilling out and relaxing. This does not include running, lifting “light” weights, or moving your neighbours piano. Eat some food, take some deep breaths, go for some walks outside or do some soft tissue work.

Treat your rest days like rest days - they’re equally as important to your training days. 


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