My Biggest Training Mistake #5

5️⃣  Genetics reign supreme

In strength and physique based sports, genetics play a major role in your success. Some people are born with tremendous amounts of strength without ever touching a weight. Others are born with genetics that allow them to grow more muscle at a rate much faster than your average joe. 

That’s not to say that you can’t accomplish some amazing feats of strength or build an impressive physique with middle of the road genetics. Just know that it’s going to take a lot of time, patience and dedication.

Don’t get down when you don’t see results as quickly as your idols on IG. Likely, they have many advantages on their side, primarily superior genetics.

Now, here’s a hard truth that took me a while to figure out. If you want to become a professional or elite level lifter, or physique athlete, freaky genetics need to be there. Training hard & intelligently won’t get you there on it’s own.

For example, without training, nutrition and supplementation my bodyweight would naturally be below 190 lbs at 6 foot 3. Based on the body type, I would be better suited for endurance based activities given my long lanky frame. With the proper training, nutrition and supplementation my bodyweight hovers between 220 and 240. There’s people in bodybuilder and strength sports who without training, nutrition and supplementation sit between 220 and 240 lbs. Those are the types of bodies that excel at strength and muscle based sports and who I would classify as having “superior” genetics.

The morale of this post is. Do what you want regardless of the cards you’ve been dealt don’t get caught in the trap of dedicating every ounce of your being to something that isn’t in the cards. Instead, take it one day at a time, making every moment you can in the gym count. Don’t obsess about it to the point where you hinder other aspects of your life, like friends, family and career.

Thanks for following along with my 5 training mistakes I’ve made along the way.


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