5 Weight Loss Myths

#1 - You have to stop eating sugar

Wrong - Naturally occurring sugars from fruit and starches such as rice and potatoes can still be included in a diet where weight loss is the goal and, in many cases, can help with diet adherence.

#2 - You should train with light weights and high reps

Training with moderate to heavy weight will preserve muscle better compared to lighter loads. Having more muscle over the course of your diet will make the fat loss process easier.

#3 - You need to buy supplements that promote "fat" loss.

In most cases over the counter fat loss supplements have no difference in fat loss outcomes compared to those not using them. Your body knows how to burn fat without the aid of fat burners.

#4 - You need to start running to lose weight

Running is an acceptable way to increase calorie burning, but it's not the only way. For many, running will lead to sore feet, knees, hips, and lower backs. Selecting lower impact activities like walking, cycling and elliptical are great alternatives that will get you to your goal.

#5 - If I'm not losing weight every week, I must be doing something wrong

Rarely is weight loss a linear process. Many factors influence scale weight such as hydration, bowel contents, time of day, stress levels etc. Variations to these factors can cause your weight to go up or down on a weekly basis. The overall trend should be downwards, but don't stress if for a week or two the scale doesn't go your preferred way.


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