New Years Goals

Not sure what health & performance goals to set for 2022? Are you looking to spice things up? Tired of the old, “I want to lose X amounts of pounds this year”?

Give these health & performance-related goals a shot instead (you might surprise yourself by dropping a few pounds in the process without even trying)

Whatever you decide, just make sure that it’s measurable and repeatable so that you can track your progress over time.

Health Goals

  • Lowered blood pressure

  • Lowered resting heart rate

  • Lowered fasting blood sugar

  • Improved hip to waist ratio

  • Improved cholesterol values (HDL/LDL/Triglycerides)

  • Subjective energy scores

  • Subjective mood scores

Performance Goals

  • Increased grip strength

  • Increased ten rep max trap bar deadlift or any other multi-muscle group exercise.

  • 2000 meter rowing time trial

  • Max push-ups, pull-ups and bodyweight squats in one set

  • ½ bodyweight goblet squat challenge

  • Sled push or pull lengths in 20 minutes

  • Weekly total step count

  • Farmer walk carries for time


What To Focus On In The Gym


5 Ways to Help Keep Your Workout Real