
Walking is my favourite exercise for improving recovery and health. If you’re just returning to exercise, walking is a wonderful place to start. The barrier to entry is nil and it packs a host of mind and body benefits.

What makes walking outdoors great?

Sunlight: Light exposure throughout the day is important for regulating our bodies biological clock. Our bodies function on a 24-hour cycle which is regulated by light and darkness. Without adequate light and darkness, our body doesn’t work as well as it could - Sleep, mood, digestion are all influenced by our light exposure! 

Fresh air: Just like sunlight, fresh air plays an important role in our health. Studies show that exposure to fresh air & the smells of nature can help to reduce stress and anxiety while boosting mood. 

Aerobic Activity: Walking is great for regulating body weight and improving overall health. It has been shown to increase cardiovascular fitness, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, strengthen bones and help to manage high blood pressure, high cholesterol, joint pain and diabetes. 

As the temperature begins to rise, consider getting outside more to boost your health and recovery. Start with 10 minute sessions, 1 to 2 times per day and build up from there. If it’s something you’re not doing, I guarantee you’ll notice the difference to your mind and body immediately.


Know Your Tools - Alpha GPC


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