My Biggest Training Mistake #2

2️⃣  This stuff takes time 

Building significant amounts of muscle takes time. Weeks, months, years? More like decades.
If you’re a natural athlete with middle of the road genetics, you’ll be lucky to add a few pounds of contractile tissue each year after your first few years of lifting. Throw in some super supplements and the process still doesn’t happen overnight.

This means that your goal of weighing 250 lbs at 10% bodyfat is going to take some serious time & dedication. That being said, don’t try to force or rush the process.

Muscle tissue can only be built so fast. Muscle can only be broken down so much. Excess training beyond what your body needs to grow will likely only lead to injuries and frustration. Trust me, I’ve been there.

The same can be said for food consumption. Don’t assume that if you eat like a 250 lb person that you’ll look like them quicker. Excess calories beyond what your body needs for building muscle will only lead to unwanted fat gain. I've been on a few dreamer bulks in my day and it has never ended well. Make sure that you’re in an adequate calorie surplus, but don’t go overboard by living at the buffet.

The person who can trade instant gratification for the long and slow road will end up on top in terms of building an impressive physique.  Like all things worth pursuing, they take time. What’s the hurry anyway? As cliche as it sounds, the journey is whats most important. Once you realize your end physique goal, you’ll quickly realize that it’s not the end outcome that’s most important but instead the character you’ve developed along the way.

If you’re wondering how to build your physique the right way, feel free to reach me at




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