Commonly Ignored Goal Setting Tip

However long you think it'll take to reach your health and fitness goals, double it.

Often I see people (including myself) set unrealistic timelines. So let's face it, lofty weight loss, strength or muscle building takes time.

Doubling your time leaves room for unforeseen circumstances, such as injuries, plateaus and unexpected visits from the inlaws.

Also, knowing you have some extra time will help reduce the stress associated with setbacks.

Three months to hit your target body weight? Try six.

Six months to build some muscle tissue? Try twelve.

Six weeks months to revamp your sleep routine? Try twelve.

Besides, what's the rush anyway?

By taking a longer approach, not only will you learn more, but you'll create behaviours and habits that'll make your results more sustainable over the long term.

When time isn't limited, take the longer and slower approach, you'll be glad you did.


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