Why is Protein Intake So Important?

Protein goes far beyond muscle building.

When I recommend that my clients step up their protein intake, I’m usually faced with some trepidation.

“But Matt, I don’t want to be a bodybuilder so it doesn’t matter.”

And here’s where I think this logic is faulty.

Not only is a protein involved in muscle rebuilding, but it’s also involved in lesser-known, less sexy processes.

Think about our immune function. Proteins are used to create antibodies that fight off infections and illnesses.

Structural tissues such as bone, tendon, ligament, skin and hair.

Digestive enzymes involved in breaking down food.

Hemoglobin that carries oxygen to our cells.

Hormones such as insulin, growth hormone and thyroid.

AND so much more.

Not only do I think a moderate to high intake of protein is important for building and maintaining muscle, but it’s also involved in so many aspects of our health and wellbeing that shouldn’t be overlooked.


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